Fact Sheet 5: Responsible Ownership

Please remember that your dog must be microchipped and always have an identification tag. When you let him out into the garden off the lead the first few times, pop his muzzle on. This will

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Fact Sheet 6: Greyhound Care & Ownership

Bedding Your greyhound will like a soft thick bed, like an old doona. They like to stretch out, sometimes finding basket-type beds too constricting. They will make a beeline for the sofa, so if you

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Fact Sheet 8: Homing a Greyhound with Other Dogs

If coming from the racing industry/a trainer, chances are your greyhound will likely have spent all of his life only with other greyhounds.  But it is likely that your greyhound will find other types of

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Fact Sheet 10: Cats and Other Small Animals

All breeds of dogs are interested in chasing cats – greyhounds are so much faster that they stand a far greater chance of catching them! Yet some greyhounds can settle with small dogs and cats

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Fact Sheet 11: My Dog Does Not Like to Play

Many greyhounds do not know how to play with toys as adults as they do not get the opportunity to learn as youngsters. Playing with puppies and allowing them to chase toys constructively can prevent

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Fact Sheet 12: Sleep Aggression

Everyone knows the saying, “let sleeping dogs lie”. This is absolutely true – it’s generally best to leave sleeping dogs undisturbed wherever possible. Even the most docile, loving dogs can exhibit sleep aggression (growling or

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Foster Carer Profile: Olivia

Olivia is a foster carer with Gumtree Greys. They previously adopted a greyhound and have fostered with us since March 2022. Not only does Olivia love their foster dogs, they also enjoy learning about other

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The Issues With Dominance Theory

A quick note before we get stuck in: Gumtree Greys does not accept or use dominance theory when training and working with behaviour issues, and we warn against applying it with your dog. Key takeaways:

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